The Last Magic Moments With Gramps Part 8

Last time on vintage watch


What a difference 24 hours make…..

So, I am heading into the hospice this morning following popping into the office, knowing that Gramps is in a good place. It’s such a nice feeling knowing he is safe and being looked after. I made my way there and found him super chatty. He was wide awake and was in such a good place mentally. Its Thursday the 20th of October and what a difference the last 24 hours have made. I arrived just after 10:30 once I had found a space to park. We chatted about lots of different things for the last couple of hours from the dogs we used to have to places of work. It felt like a normal visit with Gramps prior to Covid and dementia taking a turn for the worse. It’s like he is getting better, which I know is not the case. Becky is coming up today and I have brought some lunch in. I asked Gramps if he would like to share my sausage roll and to my surprise he said yes. So, I broke it in half and gave him half. He ate the lot and washed it down with loads of water. It was amazing to see him so enthusiastic about eating as he has only had a mouthful here and there since being in hospital. So, the morning was great, and only proceeded to get better!!


The Hospice Community..

So late morning the nurses came in to give him a wash and shave. I stepped out and was chatting to a lady visiting her husband in the kitchen area. It was nice to converse with others while on site. It gave me a great feeling for the community feel the hospice has. When I stepped back into the room the nurse requested that we get some t-shirts and toothbrush. I messaged my cousin to arrange that. The doctor popped in and listened to his stomach. Now what I am about to say surprised me and to be honest felt like a dream……. she said that Gramps stomach was sounding like it was starting to function. There had been no bowel movement yet, but the sounds were promising. They said that in very rare occasions the bowel can heal itself. I am at this point astounded with this news! There is no guarantee that this has happened, but he was sounding like it might have done this. She then proceeded to tell me that they wanted to try and get him up on his feet at the weekend! I am now trying not to jump around and have my sinical head on. Is this too good to be true? In 24 hours, we have gone from palliative care to possible recovery?????? I have worked in care for long enough to know that nothing is certain, but to hear some positivity has knocked me for six!


Its Important to Share the Good Days..

So late morning the nurses came in to give him a wash and shave. I stepped out and was chatting to a lady visiting her husband in the kitchen area. It was nice to converse with others while on site. It gave me a great feeling for the community feel the hospice has. When I stepped back into the room the nurse requested that we get some t-shirts and toothbrush. I messaged my cousin to arrange that. The doctor popped in and listened to his stomach. Now what I am about to say surprised me and to be honest felt like a dream……. she said that Gramps stomach was sounding like it was starting to function. There had been no bowel movement yet, but the sounds were promising. They said that in very rare occasions the bowel can heal itself. I am at this point astounded with this news! There is no guarantee that this has happened, but he was sounding like it might have done this. She then proceeded to tell me that they wanted to try and get him up on his feet at the weekend! I am now trying not to jump around and have my sinical head on. Is this too good to be true? In 24 hours, we have gone from palliative care to possible recovery?????? I have worked in care for long enough to know that nothing is certain, but to hear some positivity has knocked me for six!


I called my cousin and told her, and she had a lovely chat with Gramps, who asked her how the baby is and that he loved her. It felt nice for me to share that with her as I have had such a wonderful few days with Gramps. She said she would organise the bits they requested.


Good or Bad News?..

So late morning the nurses came in to give him a wash and shave. I stepped out and was chatting to a lady visiting her husband in the kitchen area. It was nice to converse with others while on site. It gave me a great feeling for the community feel the hospice has. When I stepped back into the room the nurse requested that we get some t-shirts and toothbrush. I messaged my cousin to arrange that. The doctor popped in and listened to his stomach. Now what I am about to say surprised me and to be honest felt like a dream……. she said that Gramps stomach was sounding like it was starting to function. There had been no bowel movement yet, but the sounds were promising. They said that in very rare occasions the bowel can heal itself. I am at this point astounded with this news! There is no guarantee that this has happened, but he was sounding like it might have done this. She then proceeded to tell me that they wanted to try and get him up on his feet at the weekend! I am now trying not to jump around and have my sinical head on. Is this too good to be true? In 24 hours, we have gone from palliative care to possible recovery?????? I have worked in care for long enough to know that nothing is certain, but to hear some positivity has knocked me for six!

I called my cousin and told her, and she had a lovely chat with Gramps, who asked her how the baby is and that he loved her. It felt nice for me to share that with her as I have had such a wonderful few days with Gramps. She said she would organise the bits they requested

Becky came in and worked for a bit with me and kept Gramps and I company. It was good timing as I had got nothing done because Gramps was so awake. We had a lovely afternoon with him. I had just packed up when his son arrived so ended on a perfectly timed goodbye for the day. I drove home staggered with the news that they might be getting Gramps up on his feet! This journey is crazy but deep down there is a double-edged sword. If he gets better does that mean he will go home? I don’t think I could deal with that again, knowing that care will not happen! I of course do not want the alternative! I feel so conflicted happy, sad, and angry! The hospital wrote him off! The hospice is doing an amazing job and have a positive attitude towards rehabilitation no matter the possible outcome, at least they are trying. I can wait to see what tomorrow holds.


First Day not Visiting..

Friday the 21st of October, I called the hospice this morning and gramps had had a bit of a disturbed night. They had said he was a little unsettled though the night. They had tried to get him up, but Gramps was not cooperative, so they were not successful. At least they tried. I feel guilty because I hadn’t been there this morning but now, I know he is in good hands I can get back to work somewhat.

I decided to give myself the day at work today. I didn’t visit which I felt so guilty about but also knew he was safe. My brothers did pop into see him and they said he was sleepy today.