The Last Magic Moments With Gramps Part 7

Last time on vintage watch


Hospice Move in Day……

It’s a big day today on Wednesday the 19th of October. Gramps is being moved to the hospice today at Mount Vernon. The hospice is called Michael Sobell and will mean that Gramps is nearer us all. I called the hospital this morning to check the time of his transfer, and they said he is ready to go and should be leaving at any time. It is 09:30am and I am in the office for the first time in 6 days. It feels great that Gramps is moving, and we all just hope that the move won’t be too much for him. I will call the hospice just after 12 and make sure that he has arrived and find out what the visiting arrangements are.


Feeling Anxious..

It’s now 12:30 and Gramps has arrived safely, and I have had it confirmed that we can visit anytime of day. So, I am just waiting for Rich to finish, and we will be heading to see him. I feel a little out of sorts as I have spent all day with him for the last 6 days and haven’t been there today yet. So, we headed off at 2:30pm.


Having the Right Place Makes all the Difference..

We have been met with a lovely friendly team here at the hospice and Gramps looks great. He is really chatty and doesn’t remember anything too stressful of the day. The team came into take some information about Gramps and have been nothing but supportive asking if we need any support at all. I already feel so much better knowing that he is in a place that will care for him. The family are all coming up today to see him including Charley and Jess his two great granddaughters, who haven’t seen him for a long while. The doctor has been in and has been very helpful with information.


Finally We Can All Be Together..

We have been met with a lovely friendly team here at the hospice and Gramps looks great. He is really chatty and doesn’t remember anything too stressful of the day. The team came into take some information about Gramps and have been nothing but supportive asking if we need any support at all. I already feel so much better knowing that he is in a place that will care for him. The family are all coming up today to see him including Charley and Jess his two great granddaughters, who haven’t seen him for a long while. The doctor has been in and has been very helpful with information.


Mikes and Ben arrived and then Lisa and the girls followed, and Gramps was talking to everyone. He seems more awake than he has the last few weeks. He seems pleased to have everyone here but has indicated that there are no beers and it’s not much of a party without them! His son fleeted in for a few minutes and said he would be up tomorrow when he has less visitors and would be up earlier as he is local tomorrow.


We Will All Sleep Better Tonight..

We have seen six different staff who have been into check on Gramps since our arrival. I truly believe that they have a much better arrangement here to support Gramps. They have also discovered that he has thrush in the mouth which may be why he has been so reluctant to eat or drink anything as this has probably been giving everything a metallic taste! He is having some medicine for it and hopefully this will help clear it up. Amazing, he has been here only a few hours and they have already picked that up!


Rich and I headed off this evening with me feeling that Gramps is finally in a place of care and that if we are not here, someone will be! So happy that we were able to get him into this wonderful place.